Pemeriksaan Tekanan Darah Dan Penyuluhan Mengenai Diet Hipertensi di Desa Trimulyo Tegineneng Lampung Selatan
Until now, hypertension is still a fairly big problem. Hypertension or high blood disease is a disorder of the blood vessels which results in the supply of oxygen and nutrients carried by the blood being hampered from reaching the body tissues that need it. Hypertension is often called the razor killer, which is a disease that kills without any symptoms. Modification of daily food intake patterns is one component of lifestyle change that has the biggest role in lowering blood pressure. The aim of this community service activity is to carry out early detection through blood pressure checks and education regarding hypertension diet in an effort to prevent and manage hypertension. This community service activity takes the form of blood pressure checks and hypertension diet counseling in Trimulyo Village,Tegineneng South Lampung. The success of this activity is assessed by the participants' ability to master the material and increase in knowledge scores. The average pre-test score was 40.52 with a standard deviation value of 6.42. There was an increase in the post-test score of 74.50 with a standard deviation value of 7.31 after being given counseling. It is hoped that people will be able to implement a balanced nutritional diet and regulate food intake/diet for hypertension in their daily lives. So with a good diet, people can prevent hypertension or control blood pressure.
Keywords : hypertension, counseling, blood pressure, diet, early detection
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