hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap dengan perilaku ibu dalam pencegahan karies gigi pada anak
The prevalence of dental caries in children aged 5-9 years in Indonesia in 2018 is 92.6%. The proportional of dental and oral problems in children aged 5-9 years in Lampung Province is 67.0%. In Bandar Lampung city the most common amounting to 82%. UKS Data at Way Kandis Public Health Center in 2018, at SD Negeri 3 Way Kandis there were 90% of students with cases of dental caries and rarely brushed their teeth. objective was to know correlation between knowledge and attitudes with mother's behavior in preventing dental caries in children at SDN 3 Way Kandis Bandar Lampung city in 2020.
This was an analytic research with cross sectional approach. Samples were all mothers who had school-age children with good dental health and studied. at SDN 3 Way Kandis Bandar Lampung cityi in June 2020 with a total sampling techniquequse of 38 people.
The research result a significant between knowledge with Dental Caries Prevention Behavior (p-value = 0.011, OR = 7.792)., There was a significant correlation between attitude with dental caries, prevention behavior at SDN 3 Way Kandis Bandar Lampung 2020 (p-value = 0.004, OR = 10.400). It is necessary to add information about the benefits of preventing dental caries in school-age , children in mothers with school-age children who are at SDN 3 Way Kandis Bandar Lampung by distributing leaflets on how to prevent dental caries in school-age , children and practice how to brush teeth properly and true in school so that mothers get the latest information that can change the attitudes of mothers about dental caries prevention behavior, in the end it will reduce the incidence of dental caries in school-age children at SDN 3 Way Kandis Bandar Lampung City.
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