Pemanfaatan, Budidaya Serta Pengolahan Daun Cincau Pada Pondok Pesantren Raudlatul Ulum di Desa Gedung Ketapang, Lampung Utara.
Tanaman daun cincau kaya akan zat aktif flavonoid dan alkaloid. Penelitian Lokesh dan Amitsankar (2012), kandungan zat aktif flavonoid dapat berperan sebagai anti-hepatotoksik, anti-HIV 1, anti-tumor, anti-inflamasi dan dapat memberikan efek vasodilatasi terhadap pembuluh darah yang membantu melindungi fungsi jantung. Penyuluhan ini ditujukkan pada 15 santri dan 2 guru di Pondok Pesantren Raudlatul Ulum di Desa Ketapang, Lampung Utara pada 27 Maret 2021. Tujuan dari penyuluhan ini memberikan arahan apa itu daun cincau, pengetahuan kepada guru dan santri apa saja manfaat dari daun cincau, dan upaya bagaimana cara membudidayakan serta pengolahan daun cincau. Hasil sebelum pemaparan materi tingkat pengetahuan para santri sekitar 50% setelah pemaparan materi dan hasil kuisioner serta tanya jawab para santri sudah memahami materi penyuluhan sekitar 90% daripada sebelum dilakukan pemaparan materi.
Kata Kunci : Penyuluhan, Daun Cincau, Manfaat dan Budidaya
The grass jelly plant is rich in active flavonoids and alkaloids. Research by Lokesh and Amitsankar (2012) states that the active substance content of flavonoids can act as anti-hepatotoxic, anti-HIV 1, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory and can provide a vasodilating effect on blood vessels that help protect heart function. This counseling was aimed at 15 students and 2 teachers at the Raudlatul Ulum Islamic Boarding School in Ketapang Village, North Lampung on March 27, 2021. The purpose of this counseling was to provide guidance on what grass jelly leaves are, knowledge to teachers and students what are the benefits of grass jelly leaves, and efforts how to cultivate and process grass jelly leaves. The results before the presentation of the material, the knowledge level of the students was around 50%. After the presentation of the material and the results of the questionnaire and the questions and answers, the students had understood about 90% of the extension material than before the presentation of the material.
Keywords: Counseling, Grass Jelly Leaves, Benefits and Cultivation
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