Hubungan Pengetahuan MahasiswaTerhadap Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja
Occupational Health and Safety Health and safety related to workforrce, work and work environment, which includes all efforts to prevent and overcome all occupational illnesses and accidents. Hospital management system is part of the organizational structure, planning, sedponsibilities, implementation, procedures, processes and resources required for the development, implementation, achievement and maintenance of occupational health and safety policies inthe order to create a workplace that is healthy, safe afficient and productive. The implementation of Occupational Health and Safety (K3) is one from of effort to create work place that is safe, healthy, free from environmental pollution, so as to reduce and or be free from occupational accidents and occupational diseases which in turn can increase work efficiency and productivity. Work accidents not only couse casualities and material losses for workers and employer, but can also disrupt the overall production process, damage the environment whice in turn will have an impact on the eider community. The hospital is a workplace where there are employess and sick peolpe. Another reason is the limited lever of knowlwdge and skills of P2K3 members and the ability of P2K3 secretaries who should function as activators of P2K3. The objectives of this reseach are: in this study, the researcher will identify and examine what factor are related to occupational health and safety for nursing academy students from the Indonesia Air Force RSP who will serve in the hospita. Based on the results of research at the Nursing Academy of the Indonesia Air Force RSP, the following conclusions were drawn: there is a relationship between student knowledge on occupational health safety at the hospital before strating practice in the field.
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